The Information & particulars contained within this document were prepared from preliminary plans and specifications and are intended only as a guideline as final finishes may vary. Plans, descriptions, images, specifications, or dimensions contained therein or separately provided or communicated to prospective buyers are indicative and intended to act as a guide only. Any such information, plans, descriptions, images, specifications, or dimensions (including any information or details which may be given verbally) should not be relied upon as the basis for any offer or contract and do not constitute any statement of fact or any representation or warranty. Any plans given are not to scale. Any measurements/areas are estimates only and may vary. Prospective buyers are responsible for making their own enquiries and satisfying themselves, by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements in this document. Mythen Construction Limited may make changes to design, features, finishes and specifications. The finished home may therefore vary from the information provided. Information about transport and local amenities is provided as a guide only and may be subject to change. Please refer to your contract pack (if applicable) for further information on anything not covered by this document. Mythen Construction Ltd does not authorise the Agent(s) or its staff to make or give any representation or warranty in respect of this development. In the event of any inconsistency between these conditions and the contract of sale, the latter shall prevail. All statements contained in this document are made without responsibility on the part of Mythen Construction Ltd.